Stories of Impact

MICHR Scholar Study Focuses on Helping Phlebotomists Ease Pediatric Patient Anxiety

MICHR Scholar Study Focuses on Helping Phlebotomists Ease Pediatric Patient Anxiety

“It’s the most talked about pain kids experience, even more so than post-op surgical pain.” Julie Piazza, a certified child life specialist, is referring to needlestick pain from pediatric blood draws. As project manager for patient and family-centered care at C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, she has observed anxiety at both ends of the needle.

MICHR Staff Publishes Three Articles on Clinical Trials Training

MICHR Staff Publishes Three Articles on Clinical Trials Training

Several MICHR faculty and staff members have published three articles about Good Clinical Practice. The articles, which were the result of MICHR’s work on a CTSA-wide initiative on clinical trials training, were published in the January issue of Journal of Clinical and Translational Science.