Multisite Research

PaTH Clinical Research Network and MICHR Launch Discovery-to-Implementation: Collaboratory Research to Improve Health

PaTH Clinical Research Network and MICHR Launch Discovery-to-Implementation: Collaboratory Research to Improve Health

PaTH’s Discovery-to-Implementation forums brought together various stakeholder groups from multiple health communities to share key learnings through research from affiliated health systems and to explore the potential for forming learning communities.

Explore Patient Populations & Validate Feasibility Using Electronic Health Data

Researchers across Michigan Medicine may now request access to the ACT (Accrual to Clinical Trials) Network, which can be used to explore and validate feasibility for participating CTSA multi-site clinical studies using electronic health record data.

MICHR Taps National Networks for Comprehensive COVID-19 Patient Data, Clinical Trials

The Network-Based Research Unit (NBRU) at the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR), working together with several regional and national research networks, has pivoted to work collaboratively on the Coronavirus pandemic by making COVID-19 patient data available to researchers.

Michigan Medicine Launches First Multi-Site COVID-19 Clinical Trial on New National HERO Registry

U-M was selected to participate in the first study to use the new national HERO registry. Led locally by Marisa Miceli, MD, and Peter Higgins, MD, PhD, MSc, this study focuses on how effective Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) may be in protecting healthcare providers.

Looking for Help with Collaborative, Multi-site Research?

Looking for Help with Collaborative, Multi-site Research?

MICHR has created the Network Based Research Unit (NBRU), serving as a singular unit within MICHR to facilitate health-related network-based research for U-M. The NBRU will provide seamless services and novel processes for all investigators, study coordinators, and patient communities and will effectively link institutional researchers and large-scale research consortia.