Are You Developing Your Research Database the Right Way? MICHR is Here to Help

If you’ve ever tried to create a database using an electronic data capture tool such as REDCap, you may have been surprised by how easy it is to learn, but how hard it can be to apply what you’ve learned to the specific needs of your research. For example, you might wonder if it is best to create one long form to collect the same lab results over the course of the study or to create a shorter form that is provided at each study visit. Should you provide a “Not Applicable” response option on your form, or use skip logic instead? Although these types of choices may seem inconsequential, they can have a lasting impact on day-to-day study operations, as well as the efficiency of your data analysis and reporting activities.


The time it takes to create a database is also significant and continues to grow as we adopt virtual research practices. Research participants may now choose to submit data from their cell phone, a home computer, or via an iPad provided during an on-site clinic visit. These new approaches require study teams to consistently embrace new technology as well keep pace with ever-changing data security and privacy considerations.


If this seems like a lot, MICHR is here to help. Our Database Development service pairs your team with an experienced Database Developer who will lead you through a step-by-step process to create a research database using your protocol and desired work processes as the foundation. Along the way the developer will help you find the best options for data collection and database structure based on proven best practices that promote efficiency and data quality. Although you will be managing your own research data during the study, your Database Developer is available for database revisions and general support throughout the life of the project.

For more information on this service: Database Development — MICHR (