Potential Volunteers with COVID-19 Diagnosis Waiting to Participate in U-M Studies

Post Your COVID Study on UMHealthResearch.org to Connect Today

Researchers who are working on studies to understand and combat COVID-19 can gain access to potential study participants who self-identify as having the virus or having been diagnosed and recovered, by posting their studies on UMHealthResearch (UMHR).

Volunteers have already registered on UMHealthResearch.org and indicated “Coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19),” as a past or present medical condition. The MICHR Participant Recruitment Team is working on the launch of a robust social media campaign targeting individuals who currently have, or who have recovered from, the diagnosis. These ads will run in areas heavily impacted by COVID-19 and drive interested participants to UMHR to raise awareness about studies they may qualify to participate in.

Researchers and study teams who are interested in creating a study posting to connect with research participants can do so by visiting the site study teams page.

UMHR has nearly 48,000 active volunteers who are eager to match with the nearly 300 research studies being conducted at the University of Michigan.

Learn more about how volunteers can help with the COVID-19 pandemic.